LTC support for eLearning in 2018

Learning how to use LEO

If you are new to using Learning Environment Online (LEO) at ACU, we strongly encourage you to visit one or more of the following sections of the LEO Guides:

eLearning 101

If you have experience using LEO or want to learn more about specific areas or topics (e.g., implementing rubrics, creating quizzes, configuring Grades), you can attend upcoming eLearning 101 webinars. Recordings of previous webinars are also available there.

eLearning drop-in sessions

Do you have questions about LEO and cannot find answers from the LEO Guides or the eLearning 101 webinars? Attend LTC’s online “Drop in” sessions via Adobe Connect where eLearning Advisors answer your questions and share some tips. No registration required. Before attending these sessions, please read our guide for making sure you and your computer are ready for Adobe Connect meetings.

Who should I contact if I need help?

If you need assistance with Lecture Capture (Echo 360) recordings and desktop software (such as Excel, Word and Photoshop), please contact IT Service Desk.

For help with LEO, please contact LEO Support. Provide as much detail as possible when sending a request and use the LEO Support web form’s file upload feature to include screenshots and relevant files (e.g., Word, Powerpoint, PDF documents).

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Service Central

Visit Service Central to access Corporate Services.

Other service contacts

Learning and Teaching
Request Something

Make a request for services provided by Corporate Services.

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Knowledge base

Find answers to frequently asked questions 24/7.

See Knowledge Base