
New SoTL modules now available

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) modules are now available on the ACU website. ACU teaching academics are encouraged to access these professional development resources, which have been developed by the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia (HERDSA).

The Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) promotes the development of higher education policy, practice and the study of teaching and learning.

HERDSA has a highly rated journal (HERD), an annual conference, and other useful publications.

HERDSA has recently released a series of self-paced modules to introduce the nature, purpose and process of scholarship of teaching and learning. To access these modules, visit the ACU Learning and Teaching website.

The modules act as a capacity building resource to develop and refine SoTL knowledge and skills and have been made available to ACU staff for independent professional development.

The focus on SoTL is embedded in ACU’s academic framework documents and promotions documents and is therefore relevant to all teaching academics.

The modules are:

  • Module 1 | Learning to Speak SoTL
  • Module 2 | Conceptualising a SoTL Project
  • Module 3 | Designing and Conducting a SoTL Project
  • Module 4 | Writing up SoTL findings
  • Module 5 | Disseminating SoTL Findings

Additional SoTL resources are also available on the ACU Learning and Teaching website.

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