ACU student completes Law internship with OGC

My name is Natalie Geyer and I am a fifth-year Law/Global Studies student from ACU in Melbourne. As a part of my degree, I am required to complete 180 hours of pro bono legal placement. Last week, I completed my second placement the ACU Office of General Counsel (OGC) and Governance Directorate in North Sydney, supervised by Dr Diane Barker, General Counsel and Director of Governance.

During my placement, I gained experience in a range of tasks such as legal research, drafting of correspondence, case summaries, policy amendments and other governance matters. I also attended an Academic Board meeting, a meeting of the Executive Planning Group (EPG) and a Senate meeting.

Although I am a Melbourne student, the staff at ACU made this experience possible for be my providing me with accommodation at the Miguel Cordero Residence in Camperdown, and I was given a $500 grant which covered my expenses such as flights, transport and meals. I completed my 180 hours of placement intensively over two weeks due to being a Melbourne student, whereas a student from North Sydney would usually undertake the pro bono once a week over a period of weeks. I shared my apartment with two other students, who helped me settle in by suggesting places to see, eat and explore in Sydney.

I am so grateful for this opportunity, as this placement has been an important part of my learning and a stepping-stone into my future career.

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