We’re Corporate Heart Heroes

ACU has been recognised as a 2019 Corporate Heart Hero award winner, for providing 44 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) across six campuses.  This ensures that vital equipment is on hand to support a quick response in the event of a cardiac arrest.

When someone is suffering a cardiac arrest, their recovery chances are significantly higher if they are supported quickly with AEDs and/or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).  Recovery rates plummet whenever this response is delayed.

Anyone can use the AEDs and will be guided by automated voice prompts if ever required to use one.

Heart problems can impact anyone regardless of age, fitness level or body size - everyone is encouraged to have their blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked to support prevention.

Find out where you can find AEDs on our campuses and who your closest First Aid Officer is.

Resources are also available to help you learn how to respond in case of an emergency and refresh your knowledge of our Critical Incident Management processes.

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