Introducing DataHub

The DataHub provides a central collection of ACU data from multiple sources within the university, accessible through a single access point.  The DataHub replaces the current ACU Statistical Digest as a form of disseminating university data. It maintains the same functionality as the digest, plus enhanced visualisation in the form of dashboards and reports using industry-leading tools such as Microsoft Power BI.

ACU staff who interact with the organisation’s data either for reporting or to inform their decisions, now have access to real-time reporting with more accurate trend analysis, metrics monitoring and improved business solutions.

The software also enables staff to gain insights previously unavailable, through its adaptability to machine learning and other advanced analytical tools.

DataHub offers interactive and customised reports on any device at any time. This versatility extends to the enablement of data exports to PDF, PowerPoint or Excel.

Easily access the ACU DataHub here or through the ACU staff site homepage.

Microsoft Power BI training

Microsoft Power BI videoconference training is now available for anyone who wishes to interact with the DataHub.

The dates for training are:

  • Monday 11 May

Email Melinda Phillipson to register your intent to attend.

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