Connect with LibKey Nomad browser extension

Instantly connect to ACU Library resources from anywhere using the LibKey Nomad browser extension.

You can search the web to find scholarly articles and the extension will automatically connect you to these articles in the library collection. You can do your research using the LibKey Nomad extension from anywhere. 

How it works

Download and install the LibKey Nomad extension and ensure you choose ACU Library as your organisation. It works with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Vivaldi and Brave.

Then simply watch out for LibKey links while you search. You may see them on a webpage, or throughout a Wikipedia reference list. 

Keep an eye out for:

Download PDF We’ve got it!

Article Link We’ve usually got it!

Access Options... We might have it.

You might need to sign in so, if you see an ACU login screen at any time, sign in using your ACU username and password.

As always contact the Library if you need any help.

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