New hospitality policy and updated travel policy

A new hospitality policy and an updated travel policy will come into effect from 1 January 2021.

ACU’s new hospitality policy recognises that it is our responsibility as employees at a Catholic university to be hospitable, but also to be good and prudent stewards of our resources, and to exercise fairness in how different areas express welcome.

Updates to the travel policy will provide greater clarity on travel following the Australian Government restrictions related to COVID-19. These updates will be published on the policies website by year-end.

As living documents, these policies will be updated on occasion to meet the university’s changing needs over time.

What’s in the new hospitality policy

The new hospitality policy aims to provide clear direction to ACU staff in determining the nature and amount of purchases and services under consideration.

The policy describes when entertainment and hospitality is appropriate, as well as the process for application and treatment of expenditure. It was approved by ACU’s Senate on 22 October 2020.

Important elements within the new hospitality policy include:

  • permissible expenditure on parties and functions
  • guidance around employee farewells, gifts and Christmas gifts
  • what is considered cash and what isn’t.
Updates to the travel policy

Key changes to the travel policy include the introduction of a carbon offset levy of 4 per cent of the cost of an airline ticket, which will be applied to all domestic and international flights.

Changes to travel approval process

A reminder that the travel approval process for all university-related travel has changed.

From 1 December 2020, international travel requests will require approval by the Chief Operating Officer, and domestic travel requests will require approval from the relevant member of the Senior Executive Group.

All travel will continue to require approval for the immediate future.

More information

If you have any questions after reading these policies, please contact your Faculty Finance Manager or Portfolio Management Accountant.


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