Changes to Learning and Teaching resources

The Learning and Teaching website and the LEO Guides will have a new look and feel from Thursday afternoon, 6 February. This is in line with ACU’s migration to a new content management system.

As part of the changes, you will notice a more modern interface and a redesign of the resources. We will continue to improve the site over the coming months.

The Learning and Teaching website contains resources to help with assessment, course and unit design; technology enhance learning; teaching grants and awards; evaluation and improvement of teaching; plus, professional development workshops and webinars.

The LEO Guides is a comprehensive support resource for ACU's Learning Environment Online, including advice for those new to ACU through to detailed use of the more advanced learning technologies.

You may find some links will change from previous versions of the sites. If you have bookmarked or linked to our pages, ensure that your links still work after Thursday.

If you spot any issues in the Learning and Teaching website, please email design.

For issues regarding the LEO Guides, please email e-learning.

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