Revised HR policies, procedures and forms

The following revised Work Health Safety Management System (WHSMS) policies, procedures and forms have been through significant consultation through the work Health and Safety Management Committee, Campus WHS Committees, Health and Safety Representatives and the ACU Staff Consultative Committee during 2019.

The Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Greg Craven has endorsed and approved these WHSMS policies, procedures and forms. Any previous versions are revoked and should no longer be used.

The new and updated documents are available on the Policies & Procedures pages of the ACU website, via the links below.

The WHSMS policies, procedures and forms will be fully implemented during 2020 with support from Human Resources.


WHSMS policy, procedure or form What has changed?
Work Health and Safety and Wellbeing Policy


The policy has been updated to reflect:

  • ACU’s strong commitment to provide safe working and learning spaces, on and off campus, and to continuously improve its Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS)
  • the new WHS objectives and targets, which will inform reductions in injuries and illnesses and improvements to the wellbeing of staff and students
  • how staff, students and contractors make significant contribution to the safety of our working and learning spaces, and the WHSMS
  • members of the executive are accountable for ensuring the university’s significant WHS risks are identified and managed and staff are engaged about safety and wellbeing issues.
Driver Safety Procedure (replaces Driver Safety Policy)  The procedure has been revised to support staff to plan their work-related driving trips so that they are enjoyable and safe.
WHS Risk Management Procedure

The procedure:

  • supports staff to participate WHS inspections, perform Job Safety Analysis, improve the ergonomics of their workstations and collaborate with nominated supervisors and senior managers to assess and manage risk and apply safe systems of work
  • requires organisational units to place their top five WHS risks on their risk registers from the end of quarter one, 2020
  • requires members of the executive, and others to assess and manage risks that may impact upon the success of the WHSMS, including ACU’s capacity to improve the wellbeing of staff and students and reduce injuries.  
Injury Management and Rehabilitation Policy

The policy:

  • reflects the university’s strong commitment to supporting staff to sustainably recover from injuries and illnesses (work and non-work related)
  • outlines the university’s commitment to ensuring that learnings from work-related injuries and illnesses inform improvements to the safety and wellbeing of our working and learning areas.

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