Help promote ACU Virtual Open Days

ACU Virtual Open Days are fast approaching and you can help promote these key student recruitment events by including a banner image in your email signature which links to our Open Day website.

Download the email banner image first


For PC users

To insert the banner image, please go to Outlook > File > Options > Mail > Signatures. Edit the signature by pasting or inserting the image. Select ‘save’.

To hyperlink the banner image on a PC, click on the image you’ve inserted then select the hyperlink icon at the top right (image 1). Select ‘link to an existing file or web page’. Enter the Open Day website address in the address field and select ‘OK’ (image 2).

Email Banner instructions 1

Email Banner instructions 2

For Mac users

From the menu bar, select Outlook > Preferences > Signatures (alternatively, ‘Signatures’ is accessible from the top ribbon of a new email). Edit the signature by pasting or inserting the image. Select ‘save’ (see image 3).

To hyperlink the banner image on a Mac, click on the image you’ve inserted then select the link icon at the top right (image 4). Select ‘web page or file’. Enter the Open Day website address in the address field and select ‘OK’ (image 4).

email banner instuctions 3

email banner instuctions 4

Please ensure you remove the image promptly once the final event has passed. To prompt yourself, you could set a calendar remind to remove it on Monday 14 September.

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