Interim SELT survey reports are now available

Relevant teaching staff have received notice regarding the interim Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching (SELT) survey individual reports for Semester 1 study period in 2020.

Access to the SELT reports is also available through the ‘Evaluations’ block in LEO. Please see SELT Survey staff FAQs for further information (ACU login required).

Individual reports for SELT survey results are generated based on the following criteria:

  • the unit (CRN) received the minimum threshold of five student responses for Part A of SELT survey
  • the unit’s enrolment headcount did not fall below the threshold of 10 by the close of survey period
  • the individual teacher received at least five student responses for Part B of the survey.

In the event any one of the above criteria was not met and an individual SELT report at Staff-CRN level was unavailable, an email notification was sent from LTC Evaluations to the relevant staff.

All ACU staff who receive access to their individual SELT survey reports are strongly encouraged to download their own reports and save a copy for later use. The university expects and encourages reflective practice in teaching, and student feedback is one of the important sources of information for reviewing and planning teaching strategies for units.

All Extended Unit Outlines should include a section relating to the feedback from previous student cohorts, and ideally lecturers in charge will discuss the findings in their current classes.

Some resources at the ACU Learning and Teaching website may assist in understanding and interpreting the SELT survey report. When dealing with critical comments from students, it may be useful to have a discussion with the Head of School or an equivalent position holder. A few suggestions are listed in a resource that was developed to support ACU staff.

For further clarification on SELT survey reporting (if the information is not available in Staff FAQs), please contact LTC Evaluations.

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