Open access resources in learning and teaching

The Library has introduced a tool to make it easier and faster to find open access resources. Open access resources are free to use and rarely blocked by a paywall.

They can be used by anybody but will be particularly useful for Open Courses and any courses offered by ACU to students who are not formally enrolled through Banner.

Open access resources (OA) embody ACU’s commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, the dignity of the human person and the common good.

By using OA resources, and increasing colleagues’ and students’ awareness of them, you will:

  • Provide students unfettered access to freely available learning resources – especially those students not enrolled through Banner.
  • Reduce the financial burden on students by using a student-centric and inclusive approach to education.
  • Facilitate continued access by our students to scholarly resources after they leave ACU.
  • Support research by linking to open access versions of articles and potentially increasing their citation rates and achieving greater impact.

Visit the teaching tool and open access for further information and to start using OA resources.

Open access

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