Welcome to ACU Life

The next-generation student engagement platform is here.

We are excited to announce the launch of the official Australian Catholic University community platform, ACU Life.

What is ACU Life?

ACU Life, powered by Campus Groups, is a place where students and staff can search for ACU-affiliated clubs, organisations or groups, and stay up to date with campus events.

It comes equipped with powerful tools to facilitate communication, events, membership, payments and more.

Benefits for students
  • Discover: With ACU Life, students can explore ACU groups and activities, as well as the profiles of other people on their campus.
  • Stay informed: Students can stay up to date on everything that is happening within groups they have joined.
  • Communicate: Sharing news and announcements with group members has never been easier.
  • Engage: Students can get involved by posting, joining groups, registering for events, answering forms or surveys, and becoming leaders of groups.
Benefits for group officers

Each group (eg club, department) has a number of designated officers who can access a dedicated group management area. Officers can use a number of tools
to manage their organisation more efficiently. These tools are classified under specific modules:

  • Dashboard: Track recent activity and quickly access commonly used features (eg create event, compose email). Manage your group settings, list of officers, and access rights.
  • Members: Add and manage group members or validate people who have requested to join the group.
  • Emails: Compose new emails to group members using mailing lists or email templates, and check delivery status.
  • Events: Create events, sell tickets, and track registrations and event statistics.
  • Forms: Create forms or surveys and manage submitted responses.
  • Files: Upload and share photos and documents.
  • Money: Keep track of and manage the group’s transactions (eg club fees collection, ticket sales, refunds).

Staff who are interested in using ACU Life are encouraged to email aculife@acu.edu.au for more information.

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