Workplace Gender Equality Agency report submitted

ACU has lodged its annual public report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) to meet the requirements of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.

You can access the report from the staff gender equality page.

As staff members of ACU, you are invited to make comments on the report either to the university online via a general enquiry at Service Central, or directly to WGEA. Should you wish to provide your comments directly to WGEA, be sure to follow their guidelines for commenting on a report.

The university continues to be regarded as an employer of choice and has been recognised for its leading-practice workplace supports and family-friendly employment provisions for the past nine years.

ACU’s commitment to gender equality is expressed through its Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan. The university is expected to apply for the Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation in 2021.

For more information, visit Gender Equality at ACU.


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