Flexible Work Arrangements

We are now less than a month away from having all staff working from campus on 1 July. A great deal of preparation has gone into ensuring the workplace is safe for staff and students, and while we won’t be shaking hands nor necessarily seeing each other in face-to-face meetings, we are looking forward to the energy, exchange of ideas and community that we share and create on campus.

The action the university was required to take to direct staff to work remotely meant that the university’s normal processes of receiving and considering requests to work flexibly were suspended. The university is returning to its normal processes and, from 1 July 2020, all staff members seeking flexible working arrangements will need to apply using the new online Flexible Work Arrangement Request in Service Central.

What is working flexibly?

Working flexibly differs for each staff member and some examples are changing hours of work, changing patterns of work, changing the location of work, compressing hours in a working week.

For more information, including who can apply, read the Working Flexibly @ ACU – A Guide for Staff or come along to a virtual information session.

Flexible Work Arrangement Request is now online

There’s a new online Flexible Work Arrangement Request in Service Central which replaces the paper-based form. The request, when submitted, workflows through to your supervisor and then to the relevant member of the executive for approval.

What if I already have an approved Flexible Work Arrangement?

If you already have a Flexible Work Arrangement in place with your supervisor, these arrangements will stay in place. There’s no need to resubmit via the new online form until it’s time to review and resubmit, now annually, or your circumstances have changed and you are seeking to modify the current arrangements.

Information sessions for supervisors and staff

Virtual information sessions to guide you through flexible work options, applying for arrangements and having conversations about flexibility are available for both staff and supervisors.

Register for the sessions below:

Flexibility Information Session (for Supervisors)
Course reference: 12112

Flexibility Information Session (for Staff)
Course reference: 12114

More information

Help can be found in the resources below, or you can ask a question in Service Central.

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