Relaxing of TEQSA requirements relating to international students

TEQSA has acknowledged that with current world events it may not be possible for education providers to fully comply with Standard 8 of the National Code:

  • 8.19: A registered provider must not deliver more than one-third of the units (or equivalent) of a higher education or VET course by online or distance learning to an overseas student.
  • 8.20: A registered provider must ensure that in each compulsory study period for a course, the overseas student is studying at least one unit that is not by distance or online learning, unless the student is completing the last unit of their course.

The relaxation of the above standards will provide ACU with the opportunity to be flexible in our course offerings and to better support our international students during the current situation for Semester 1 2020.

Staff with any concerns or questions are welcome to contact ACU International (03 8676 7040) for further advice.

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