Introducing the Strategy Execution Framework

Our Strategic Plan 2020-2023 was launched last year and introduced a new set of strategic priorities aligned with our mission and direction.

Our success and the level of impact we achieve will be largely determined by how effectively we work together to execute our strategy - we all have a part to play.

To help you understand your role in implementing the strategic plan, we have introduced the new Strategy Execution Framework.

The Strategy Execution Framework is a simple and effective framework and toolkit to support leaders, managers and individual staff to execute the strategic plan effectively.

It will help us to collectively:

  • achieve our mission, vision and strategic priorities
  • embed our focus on opportunity, innovation and ethics
  • manage our resources and risks effectively.

We all have a part to play in executing our strategic plan. The Strategy Execution Framework will help you understand the importance of aligning your individual work effort and progress plans to the operational plan for your faculty, institute or directorate. These unit plans are aligned to their respective portfolio plans, which are aligned directly to our strategic plan.

The Strategy Execution Framework also supports the alignment of portfolio and unit plans with the Vice-Chancellor’s annual priorities, ACU key focus areas, performance monitoring and reports, risk management and project management.

The framework is developed, managed and supported by the Office of Planning and Strategic Management (OPSM) in consultation with the senior executive and key stakeholders.

For more information about the Strategy Execution Framework or to access strategy execution resources, please visit the website.

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