Supporting the student experience

Work continues apace on a range of Student Administration projects designed to improve the students experience and to streamline staff processes.  

Class Selection and Timetable project

ACU is currently in the midst of the first round of class preference selection. Preparing for the move to preferences, including developing a range of support material for students informed by user-experience research, has been the project's primary focus in recent weeks. Work has also continued on other phases of the project. 
Staff can now see both Semester 1 and Semester 2 data in Allocate+, an important step towards managing all term timetables within this system. We have collaborated with the vendor, Student Systems and IT to make significant improvements to the way students will be able to view and manage multiple terms.
We are also making improvements to the Web Data Collector (WDC) and the timetable change request forms to support move to an annual timetable. 

Curriculum Management Approval System

This project has made substantial progress in recent months.  The templates and workflows for managing course approvals and amendments are well under way, as is the migration of 2021 course and unit information for publication in the handbook and on the web in August. 
There will be a number of enhancements to the course pages on the public website, including additional information for units, majors and specialisations, and more comprehensive pathway information for non-school leavers. Extensive usability testing has been conducted on these redesigned pages. 

Enrolments: Planning to Completion (EPiC)

The EPiC project team is currently meeting with Faculty staff to gather requirements for online enrolment forms. Development on an online tool for assessing Course Completion will be starting shortly, for implementation by the end of the year.  

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