Introducing our new Curriculum Management Approval System

Chief Operating Officer Dr Stephen Weller and Interim Provost Professor Zlatko Skrbis welcome ACU's new Curriculum Management Approval System (CMAS), which launched last Thursday. It will be the single source of truth for all course and unit information at ACU.

CMAS is a significant project that has involved collaboration across the entire university to identify and streamline ageing and disparate manual processes. The resulting improvements will make it easier and more intuitive for prospective students navigating the course browser, and for staff who will find it easier to use the course approvals process and to manage course information.

Watch as Dr Weller and Professor Skrbis introduce CMAS, explain how it will benefit ACU, and congratulate all staff involved in the project.

Course Approval, Amendment, Review and Discontinuation (CAARD) process

CMAS templates became available on Monday 23 November to manage course approval, amendment, review and discontinuation processes. Any new course or unit approvals will now be managed via CMAS.

The existing Word templates can be used for the remainder of 2020 for changes that are already in progress, but any new or updated content to be published in the handbook or on the course webpages will also need to be entered in CMAS.

From 4 January 2021, all CAARD processes, new or in progress, will be managed exclusively in CMAS.

Extensive training is available to all nominated school and faculty users.

What happens next?

The CMAS project team has worked tirelessly over the last year to bring this project to this point. Given the magnitude of the task, it is inevitable that there will be some errors.

If you identify any problems with course or unit information, please notify the relevant staff member for your faculty.

Faculty Contact
Faculty of Arts and Education  Andrew O’Connor
Faculty of Health Sciences Eileen MacDonagh
Faculty of Law and Business Rodney Toombes
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Lesley Pullen

Vasilia Tsiambazis

The project team and CIM will be working closely with the faculties over the coming months to support them through the challenges of transitioning to a new system.

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