Remembering our loved ones

The month of November has traditionally been held by Christians as the month that we remember the faithful departed – all those who have gone before us. In Catholic theology, we believe that death can separate the people who we love from us only for a while. We believe that we are still united with them in the Communion of Saints. 

On the feast of All Souls (2 November), and throughout the entire month of November, we recall our deceased relatives, friends, and all the faithful departed who may yet be waiting for the full joy of heaven. We pray for them, remembering that likewise these people being purified have the power to intercede for us too. In this month, we believe that we continue to share a relationship with those who have died. When we pray for the souls of the faithful departed, we are praying for those whose souls are being prepared for eternal life. We believe that our prayers for them will help them on their journey to eternal life with God in heaven.

So, over this month of November, I would encourage us all to take a moment to offer a prayer for those who have gone before. In particular, let us remember all of those from our own families and our ACU family who have gone before us. In fact, right throughout November you can inscribe the names of your family, friends and those you would like remembered in our prayers and masses in Books of Remembrance in our campus chapels (subject to COVID-19 restrictions), or get in touch with your local Campus Pastoral Associate (Staff) who can do this for you. As a university family, let us pray and give thanks for all those whom we have loved and lost, now entrusted to God’s loving care.

Let perpetual light shine upon them,
with your Saints forever, for you are merciful.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them,
with your Saints forever, for you are merciful. Amen.

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