Introducing the WHS Action Plan 2020-21

The WHS Action Plan 2020-2021 supports ACU to reduce injuries, improve wellbeing, and take other actions to make our campuses safer. To be successful, we need your help.

The plan supports us to collaborate with each other and our supervisors to reduce injuries from falls, manual handling and repetitive processes, improve wellbeing, and apply ACU’s Work Health and Safety Management System.

We need your help to make our campus safer

Small ways that you can help make our campus safer include:

WHS Action Plan virtual workshop

Attend the WHS Action Plan virtual workshop on 29 September to learn more about the action plan. WHS consultants will explore the practical steps that each of us can take to make our campuses safer.

Topics covered include:

  • improving the ergonomics of your workstation
  • accessing wellbeing resources
  • participating in university consultations
  • risk management activities.
Stay connected

Other upcoming virtual workshops can also be found on the Learning and Development Calendar and the Learning and Development Workplace group.

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