Learn about the Academic Workload Policy

Before commencing academic workload planning for 2021, attend an information session to learn about the changes to the Academic Workload Policy and supporting Academic Workload Planning System (AWPS), which will come into effect on 1 January 2021.

Information session for supervisors

This session will provide an overview of the key changes to the Academic Workload Policy and guidance on how to apply the policy for changed academic activities and workload allocations. It will also highlight some of the useful features of the AWPS and provide practical tips to assist you in your role. There will be some time for questions from attendees.

Course reference: 20210

Information session for academic staff

This session will provide an overview of the key changes to the described academic activities and workload allocations in the revised Academic Workload Policy and explain how the policy is applied for these activities. It will also provide practical tips for academic workload planning with your supervisor and opportunity for questions from attendees.

Course reference: 20211

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