Teaching Development Grant guidelines available

Teaching Development Grants (TDGs) provide opportunities for ACU staff to engage in teaching development projects around current institutional and faculty priorities. The grants contribute to innovations in learning and teaching and the development of resources and frameworks for good practice. The outcomes also advance the scholarship of learning and teaching.

All applications are assessed by the ACU Awards and Grants Committee, chaired by the Deputy Provost. The process is competitive, and applications must align to one or more of the priority areas and will be judged against the criteria outlined in the guidelines.

The following priority areas for 2021 grants are drawn from the ACU Education Strategy:

  1. Broadening access and participation by offering flexible learning options and student choice.
  2. Developing discipline competence and extending this through work-integrated learning experiences.
  3. Partnering with students, industry and community to co-develop curricula that are fit for purpose and prepare students for future employment opportunities.
  4. Fostering opportunities for transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to enable students to make a difference.
  5. Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Knowings in curricula to prepare students to work interculturally and with respect and competence.
  6. Assessing with authentic tasks that are aligned to practice and skills in the real world.
  7. Providing a responsive digital learning ecosystem that includes appropriate tools.
  8. Embedding research and scholarship in curricula to ensure evidence-based teaching and learning.

The Teaching Development Grants Scheme is open to ACU teaching staff or teaching teams (including professional staff). It is important to read the ACU Teaching Development Grant guidelines and discuss your plans with your Head of School, your Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching (or equivalent) or the Director of your unit (whichever is appropriate), and obtain their support before you prepare your project proposal.

The 2021 ACU Teaching Development Grant Guidelines and resources are now available on the Learning and Teaching webpage. A live Q&A session for interested staff will be held on 22 June at 1-2pm, with further details/links to be provided in the near future.

For any further information, please contact the Awards and Grants team at awards&grants.LTC@acu.edu.au.


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