Changes to campus reception services

From 2 August, AskACU Centres became the single information point and campus reception for all face-to-face general enquiries from students, staff and the public.

The location of some AskACU Centres has changed. Below you’ll find where these centres are now located on each university campus.

Campus Confirmed location Room number Location change/No change
Ballarat Carn Brea Building (Ground floor) 100.G.02 and G.04 AskACU will move to campus reception desk
Canberra Veritas Building (Ground floor) 301.G.03 and G.04 No change
Strathfield St Edmund Building (Ground floor) 613.G15 and G.16 No change
Blacktown 22 Main St Blacktown (Ground floor) 910.G.03 No change
Melbourne Mary Glowrey Building (Ground floor) 420.G.08 and G.09 AskACU will incorporate current concierge desk
North Sydney Tenison Woods House (Ground floor) 532.G.01 Location changed from 502.309-3.11 (JCB)
Brisbane Building 200 (Ground level) 200.01.18 Location changed from Banyo 212.G.01, G.05 and G.06

Signage and wayfinding methods will be updated to ensure that campus arrivals are able to find their way to each campus AskACU Centre.

Facilities administrators will continue to have a presence on campus as they carry out their core responsibilities, including managing contractors, overseeing work health and safety, setting up physical events, and overseeing deliveries, space and related audits.

As well as the relocation of some campus receptions, there have been changes in the way some services are managed. For example, there is an updated process for collecting your staff card.

We will share more detail about these changes in next week’s Staff Bulletin.
Where do I direct my enquiry?
Campus reception numbers have ceased to operate as public-facing contact numbers for ACU, and 1300 ASK ACU (275 228) is now the single public contact number for students, staff and the public.

All staff calls and general enquiries from the public now go through to the Service Central team, current students who contact 1300 ASK ACU (275 228) are directed to AskACU, and prospective student calls continue to be managed by the Future Students team.

Read more about this single number to understand where to direct common staff enquiries, including how to contact another ACU staff member and how to contact Campus Security.

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