COVID-safe campus alert system

A message from Chief Operating Officer Dr Stephen Weller:

ACU has introduced a COVID-safe traffic light alert system to help staff and students understand the current opening and operational status and delivery mode for each of our campuses.

We are committed to ensuring our students continue to have a positive and engaging experience, while keeping our campuses safe for staff, students and visitors. The new traffic light alert system will make it easier to understand the details of our response to public health orders (PHOs) that affect our nine campuses in six different jurisdictions.

Campus traffic light alert levels

The traffic light alert system provides information on the current opening status, delivery mode and operations of our campuses. The system has four alert levels:


Status Green: COVID Normal.

Status Amber: Low level restrictions.

  Status Red: High level restrictions.

 Status Black: Extreme restrictions.

Opening status
Campus is open to all students, staff and visitors
Campus is open with restrictions as per PHOs
Campus operates in virtual capacity and is open only for essential staff and students who cannot study from home
Campus operates in virtual capacity and is closed, essential staff and permitted students only

For detailed information on the delivery mode, campus amenities and operations at each alert level, visit ACU COVID-safe campuses.

Find your campus’s current traffic light alert level

ACU’s response to COVID-19 is based on state and territory PHOs. This can result in different alert levels – and therefore varied delivery modes and operations – for each campus.

To find the current traffic light alert level and operational status for your campus, visit ACU COVID-safe campuses

Campus traffic light alert status information is updated when restrictions change in each jurisdiction, so check back regularly for the latest operational information for your campus. We will continue to communicate the alert level with you by email and in the COVID-19 updates Workplace group when alert levels change. Detailed information about what your campus’s current alert level means, guidance around class delivery, remote learning and working support, leave during lockdowns, travel permission letters as well as health and wellbeing support can be found on the ACU COVID-safe campuses site.

All decisions to change campus alert ratings will be made by ACU’s Critical Incident Convener.

For a handy reminder of what each alert level means, download the ACU COVID-safe campuses flyer.

Read more information on ACU COVID-safe campuses

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