Early Career Researcher support survey

Do you have an interest in, or connection with, research at ACU? Complete a 10-minute survey to share your views on Early Career Researcher (ECR) experiences and opportunities.

One of the Vice-Chancellor’s priorities for 2021 is to review the supports, services, and policies in place for ECRs at ACU. Associate Professor Nell Musgrove is leading a committee to review the current position of ECRs across the university.

This survey intends to capture a snapshot of how the ACU community views a number of aspects of ECR experiences and opportunities as of mid-2021.

The committee is interested in hearing from any staff member at ACU who has an interest in, or connection with, research at our university. We welcome input from ECRs, but we also hope to hear from all academic and professional staff, including casual and sessional staff, who have an interest in research.

All survey results will be anonymous – unless you opt to provide your contact details to request a follow-up conversation. All contributions to the committee’s work will be handled in confidence and anonymised prior to any reporting on our findings.

If you would like to provide further feedback or to ask any questions about the survey or the committee’s work, you may also contact Associate Professor Musgrove at nell.musgrove@acu.edu.au.

Please access and complete the survey online. The survey will be open until Friday 6 August.

Thank you very much for your contribution.

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