Respect. Now. Always. update

The Respect. Now. Always. Advisory Committee (RNAAC) is a national committee which provides recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor’s Advisory Committee and oversees the implementation of activities and projects across the university to promote and facilitate safe, inclusive, and equitable student experiences (Respect. Now. Always, and Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk).

Student safety is a whole of university responsibility and the RNAAC, with key representation across the university, aims to highlight emerging themes and areas that can affect students and the university as whole. The Vice-Chancellor chairs the committee which meets three times a year. Following each meeting, updates will be provided to staff on key items raised.

Presented at the 10 August meeting of the RNAAC were an update of the upcoming National Student Safety Survey (running from 6 September–3 October 2021) and changes to ACU’s Working with Children Check Requirements and Identification.

National Student Safety Survey
 National Student Safety Survey text block

Universities Australia is conducting a nationwide survey to collect data on the scale and nature of university student experiences of sexual assault and sexual harassment.

The 2021 National Student Safety Survey will be administered externally by the Social Research Centre and will launch on Monday 6 September and run until Sunday 3 October 2021.

10,000 ACU students have been selected at random to participate in the survey. Students who are not selected to participate in the survey will still be offered the opportunity to share their story.

This survey is very important for ACU and the ongoing safety and wellbeing of all students on our campuses and within our community.

The results of this important initiative will help ACU to develop better strategies to protect students and we encourage all staff to promote and support students to complete the survey.

Within the next month, all staff will be receiving notification to complete a new Universities Australia Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment online educational training module. This training module will provide ACU staff with the necessary information and skills to handle a student disclosure.

ACU acknowledges that this survey could be triggering for students and staff. Additional support services will be employed during the survey to support the ACU community.

For more information, please visit 2021 National Student Safety Survey FAQ.

ACU Working with Children Check requirements

Working with Children Check (or state/territory equivalent) is a jurisdictional clearance to help determine whether a person is suitable to work or engage with children.

Academic and professional staff are not generally required to have a Working with Children Check, however, there are some types of roles and positions at ACU which do require staff to obtain a check.

As the requirements vary across each state, revisions are being made to the relevant policies and a guideline created to assist nominated supervisors and hiring managers to understand where and when a check is required. Any questions relating to child-related work can be directed to HR, via Service Central.

It is important that ACU continues to implement safeguards to protect all children, young people and adults at risk. We must continue to put safeguards in place and maintain them through our policies, risk assessments, education, and awareness. To find out how you and your team can implement best practice child safe standards, please contact National Safeguarding Office, Taleah Neowhouse,

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