Enterprise bargaining at ACU

A message from Chief Operating Officer Dr Stephen Weller:

Negotiations for ACU’s new enterprise agreement are progressing steadily. Since early October, the Joint Bargaining Team, comprised of CPSU, NTEU and ACU management representatives, has met on a fortnightly basis. Recently we met in person for the first time in Melbourne, for a full day meeting.

An important focus of this meeting was consideration and discussion of what a flexible working model might look like at ACU. We still have more to discuss, but I’m encouraged by what I consider key areas of shared focus and agreement across the Joint Bargaining Team. This is also an area of focus for all of us as we prepare to return to campus in January.

ACU is committed to maintaining a vibrant place of study and work, as well as supporting flexible working arrangements to assist everyone to balance their work and life responsibilities.

Another key point of discussion during our recent bargaining meeting was increasing First Peoples’ workforce participation impactfully, in addition to representation parity.

Our initial discussions have also included:

  • several leave issues, including annual and domestic violence leave
  • change management and redundancy
  • position classification process
  • study time and financial assistance for staff pursuing personal development and additional study
  • a potential career pathway and job security for sessional academics.

We have an agreed agenda and focus for discussion at our final meeting for 2021, scheduled for 17 December, including parental leave, allowances and expenses, and workplace bullying and sexual harassment. We will then resume enterprise bargaining meetings in mid-February 2022, and we are scheduled to have discussed each claim by early in Semester 1.

Share your feedback

A number of staff have asked me how they can provide feedback about bargaining topics. You are welcome to share your comments and thoughts on the Enterprise Bargaining Workplace group. Please also feel free to check FAQs, provide your feedback, or ask questions via the Enterprise Bargaining webpage.

Stay informed

Enterprise Bargaining updates will continue to be emailed to you regularly. You can also join the Enterprise Bargaining Workplace group to stay informed and join the conversation.

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