Fitness Passport survey

ACU will be introducing the Fitness Passport program for all staff and their families from 2022. Complete a survey to have your say in the gyms and aquatic centres included in the program in your state.

Fitness Passport is a workplace health and fitness program which provides you and your family unparalleled access to a wide choice of health, fitness, and aquatic facilities for a fraction of the price of a regular gym or aquatic membership.

Before we can progress with the program, we need you to have your say. First, register your interest, then nominate the fitness and aquatic facilities you would like to use based on your location.

Please complete one of these short surveys to register your interest and facility preferences, based on your state:

Employees based in Victoria
Employees based in ACT
Employees based in NSW
Employees based in QLD

The survey will close on 22 December.

What will a membership include?

Your Fitness Passport membership will be designed exclusively around the gyms and pools you and your colleagues want to use. You select the facilities and, once approved, you can visit them all. The final selection of facilities included in ACU’s Fitness Passport program will be confirmed in January 2022.

Membership benefits include:

  • unlimited visits across all fitness facilities in ACU's Fitness Passport program – potentially 1350+ locations
  • options for individual and family memberships
  • discounted fortnightly direct debit payment
  • simple, hassle-free access 
  • access to facilities that may offer gyms, group classes, and/or pools.
What will a membership cost?

We anticipate the following approximate membership costs:

Individual membership: Less than $15 a week
Family membership: Less than $25 a week

Fitness Passport offers choice, more convenience and better value than a traditional gym membership. Signing up for a family membership for you, your partner and children under 18 will deliver even greater savings.

Enrolment for the program will commence in early 2022.

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