Academic promotions discussion

Meg Stuart and Kim O’Brien invite all academic staff to join them for a conversation about the academic promotions process at ACU.

The Provost has launched a review of the Academic Promotions Policy and Procedures, guidelines, and all associated documentation, with the aim of ensuring ACU is able to support academic staff to achieve their career goals through a range of pathways.

A revised promotions process will be introduced in a graduated way in 2022, with full implementation planned for the 2023 promotions round.

A critical component of this review is consultation with academic staff – both those who have applied for promotion and those considering applying.

Two types of workshop are planned, and you are invited to attend those which apply to you.

Workshop 1: Feedback on the process of applying for promotion

If you’ve applied for promotion, regardless of whether you were successful or not, we’d like to hear your thoughts about the process. Separate workshops will be offered for staff who applied for promotion to level B or C, and staff who applied for promotion to level D or E.

Register for one of the below workshops on Staff Connect.

Workshop for promotion to level B or C:

Workshop for promotion to level D or E:

Workshop 2: Gathering evidence of activity, quality, impact and esteem when applying for promotion, and considerations when deciding whether to apply for promotion

If you’ve applied for promotion or you’re thinking about applying, join us for a conversation about how you collate evidence of achievement, quality, impact and esteem, and what you consider when deciding whether to apply for promotion.

Register for one of the below workshops on Staff Connect.

Workshop for staff who have not applied for promotion:

Workshop for staff who have applied for promotion at any level:

More information

You can learn more about this review, key activities and the consultation process on the Academic Promotions review page.

If you would have any questions about the Academic Promotions review, please email your enquiry to

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