Gender equality, diversity and inclusion

A message from the Vice-Chancellor Professor Zlatko Skrbis:

Gender equality, diversity and inclusion in 2021 is front of mind in the Australian community at large and at ACU. On 31 March 2021, the Victorian Gender Equality Act 2020 came into effect, placing a range of obligations on defined entities, including Victorian based universities. One of these obligations is to undertake a staff experience survey on gender equality, diversity and inclusion to inform the development of a new Gender Equality Action Plan. A survey of this kind, in a national university, makes sense to release to all staff.

The survey presents ACU with a real opportunity to baseline its progress. Your participation means we will be able to see where inequality may be being experienced. This will determine relevant actions and measures as part of a new broader Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy that will support our progress at ACU.

In considering what actions to implement, the high-level survey results will be shared with you on the ACU website once available. All staff will then have an opportunity to provide feedback and make informed suggestions on actions the university may consider for inclusion in a Gender Equality Action Plan.

Have your say

The Staff Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Survey will be open to all staff on all our campuses.

ACU has engaged an external company, Voice Project, to administer the survey and provide the survey results. I can assure you that your responses are confidential. The results reported back to ACU do not contain personal data and are aggregated to ensure the anonymity of responses.

On Monday 7 June,  you will receive an email invitation from Voice Project, which will include an online link to the survey. The survey will be open for two weeks, closing on Friday 18 June.

I encourage you to take part in this important survey and to be open and honest about your lived experience at ACU. With your participation, we will continue to build on our progress to date.

Professor Zlatko Skrbis

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