Gill Terrett retires

Associate Professor Gill Terrett is retiring after 30 years of service with ACU and one of its predecessor institutions.

Gill completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Melbourne in 2000, and she has been instrumental in helping to establish the status of the psychology discipline at ACU in both teaching and research. Some of the many roles she has undertaken have included Undergraduate Coordinator, Higher Degree Research Coordinator, Deputy Head of School, and Deputy Director of the Cognition and Emotion Research Centre. Her impressive research efforts have generated over 30 publications in the past 13 years, with one publication receiving 150 citations.

She has also made excellent contributions to teaching, receiving an ACU Excellence in Teaching Award in 2004 as well as an award from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council in 2007.

Over her career, Gill has taught hundreds of students in the classroom, supervised countless honours/masters and PhD research projects, and provided clinical supervision to many counselling and educational and developmental psychology students. She also served as a member of the University Learning and Teaching Committee.

Deputy Head, School of Behavioural and Health Sciences (Victoria) Dr Tom Whelan says Gill has been a much-valued colleague.

“She has played a leading hand in welcoming new staff, acted as a mentor, covered for lengthy staff absences due to ill health, organised retirement parties, offered sound advice, shared a laugh and so much more,” Tom said.

“It is no overstatement to say that Gill has been a key member of the psychology team. She has been consistently supportive, encouraging and well informed. As a result, our students have prospered.

“Gill will leave a lasting impression on the school and many students’ lives. Amongst her colleagues, her expertise and collegiality will be sorely missed. We wish Gill the very best for her retirement.”

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