UDL tertiary education eLearning

ACU Disability Service and The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) invite you to mark International Day of People with Disability, by attending Australia’s first free online Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in tertiary education eLearning training, on Friday 3 December.

To mark this special occasion, Dr. Frederic Fovet, Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology, Royal Roads University, Canada will present his work From curiosity to systemic implementation: Making UDL buy-in a strategic institutional reality. Following the presentation will be the official launch of the UDL in Tertiary Education eLearning training.

From a human rights perspective, diversity should not deprive people from equal opportunities in education. However, UDL Principles are not yet fully or consistently embedded in the development of tertiary education coursework or curriculum in Australia. Tertiary education completion is critical to full economic participation for people with disability, however people with disability remain underrepresented in Australian tertiary education participation and graduate employment outcomes. Aligned to the theme of International Day of People with Disability, this training will enable educators to facilitate ‘leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world’.

This training fills a gap in the Australian market by drawing together expertise and practice on UDL in the tertiary level in Australia. Uniquely, it treats post-school education as a single system and presents findings that are in the most part applicable in both vocational education and training, and higher education. UDL recognises there is no ‘average’ learner and that learners come with a wide variety of prior experiences, abilities, preferences and needs, and enables curricula to be written flexibly so they are accessible to the highest number of learners, addressing the variance in the student population.

Designing learning materials and courses so that more students have access to the course by design reduces the need for students to request individual reasonable adjustments. The principles of Universal Design support many students, including students from all circumstances, providing more options and choice about choosing a path of learning that suits the individual.


When: Friday 3 December 1-2.15pm AEDT
Where: Registration is required to attend via Zoom. 

For more information please contact National Manager, Disability Service Trevor Ianna.

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