In case you missed it

Earlier this month from 3-9 October, Sustainability Week: Modern slavery impacts featured a number of online and in-person events for both staff and students that focused on the impacts of modern slavery, climate change, ethical investment, sustainable travel and more.

In case you couldn’t attend the online panel discussions held that week, a recording of each session is now available:

You can also still access the Sustainability Week resources, a comprehensive list of books, films, resources and databases compiled by ACU Library to commemorate the week.

Our progress thus far

ACU has embraced the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and themes of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’ that urges us all to deliver a better and more sustainable future for our common home.

In 2021, our university has reached impressive milestones, each of which is related to several SDGs. This infographic charts our progress thus far:

 Sustainability by the numbers

Keep the conversation going

According to ACU National Manager (Sustainability) Mark Doggett, “These numbers are the result of ACU following its mission. This is what happens when good people come together to work for the common good.”

Look out for other sustainability news, events, updates and initiatives in the Sustainability@ACU Workplace group.

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