The power of the 20-second hug

We know it’s an incredibly challenging time for everyone, trying to manage the uncertainty, loss and stress of lockdowns and COVID-19, and to balance your work and life demands.

ACU staff member and Melbourne-based psychologist Chris Cheers has put together some ideas on what to do when you are dealing with lockdown fatigue.

Here are some ways to challenge the stress cycle:

  • Practise slow deep breathing – you can use a guided breathing and mindfulness practice app such as Insight Timer, or follow a guided practice in meditation such as one from Dr Kristin Neff.
  • Give hugs – hug a person or a pet and count to 20.
  • Let it out – have a big laugh or a big cry.
  • Get creative – engage in a creative activity such as writing, painting, cooking or playing an instrument.
  • Exercise – do whatever works best for you and try to get outside if possible.
  • Read lifestyle or welbeing ebooks, or listen to lifestyle or wellbeing audiobooks, such as those available from ACU Borrow Box.
Further assistance and resources

All staff and their immediate family members can access professional, confidential counselling support through ACU’s Employee Assistance Program.

If urgent professional support is needed, please contact:

Did you also know that ACU staff have access to additional related learning resources via LinkedIn Learning?

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