ACU Autism Inclusion Awards 2022

Are you an autistic staff member? Has a colleague or supervisor made your work life a little bit easier? Nominations are now open to recognise our autism allies in the ACU Autism Inclusion Awards 2022, as part of ACU’s 2022 Autism Awareness/Acceptance Week, 24-30 April.

Autism Awareness/Acceptance Week activities will include information stands and displays of book by autistic authors in ACU libraries, video interviews with autistic staff and students, and Workplace posts with information and resources. The winners of the ACU Autism Inclusion Awards will be announced on Friday 29 April.

ACU Autism Inclusion Awards - because sometimes neurotypicals are pretty cool too

The ACU Autism Awards 2022 are comprised of two categories:

  • Category 1 - Supporting staff*
  • Category 2 - Supporting students

The nominator (you) must be autistic (formally diagnosed or self-diagnosed) and a current or former ACU staff member (category 1) or student (category 2). The nominee must be an ACU staff member: academic or professional; full-time, part-time or casual.

Your nomination should include:

  • the name and position of the person you are nominating.
  • a brief description of what it is that this person did/does that makes them worthy of recognition as an autism ally.

Please email your nomination to before the deadline 11.59pm, Sunday 24 April

*Staff members of the Autism at ACU team are not eligible for nomination due to being award sponsors.

Like to know more?

Please visit Autism at ACU or Autism an Uni for further information on our autistic-led research program and ACU’s Autism Inclusion Program.

Please email for any questions related to your nomination or the ACU Autism Inclusion Awards 2022.

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