University Rankings Dashboard

With the existence of university rankings systems and faced with a significant league table, it can be hard to decipher the data. Has ACU's performance gone up or down? And what exactly are universities scored on, anyway?

The University Rankings Dashboard makes it possible for all staff to explore ACU’s performance in external ranking systems, including Times Higher Education (THE), Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), and Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).

ACU has enjoyed worldwide success in rankings* results in recent years and is positioned in the:

  • top 10 Catholic universities
  • top 40 young universities
  • top 300 of all ranked universities.

Explore the scores behind the ranks, track results over time, analyse how we perform against peers, and see the subjects for which we’re recognised for excellence.

The dashboard can be accessed via the DataHub in the University Rankings section.

Rankings play an important role in the perception of ACU globally. They are used by stakeholders to determine if we’re a place at which they want to study or work, or with which they want to engage. By analysing the rankings results, we can see what our externally recognised areas of strength are and where our expertise sits on the global stage.

ACU’s participation in the rankings opens many potential opportunities to bolster the university’s reputation as one of the most significant Catholic universities in the world, a leader in its research specialisations and a university known for quality in teaching, learning, research and institutional performance.

*Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022

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