ACU Vision 2033 consultation findings report

Share your feedback on the ACU Vision 2033 consultation findings summary report as we work together to develop ACU’s next strategy.

Over the past six months, members of stakeholder groups from across the ACU community have shared their thoughts and ideas on the challenges and opportunities ahead for ACU.

Thank you to everyone who participated. A summary of the findings from this initial consultation phase is now available.

View the Consultation findings summary report

What are the emerging findings and insights?

The Consultation findings summary report aggregates, clusters and organises the breadth of ideas heard at consultation into six overarching topics:

 Table showing six themes - a distinctive Catholic university, A connected global partner, an adaptive education leader, a purposeful knowledge creator, a caring, inclusive community, a flexible, responsive institution

Phase 2 of the consultation process will run from 14 December to 31 January.

What objectives drive consultation phase 2?
  1. To review, refine and augment the proposed framework with new ideas and insights.
  2. To translate these overarching topics into strategic themes and opportunities.
Let’s continue the conversation

Your input, feedback and questions are welcome and encouraged to enrich our strategy journey.

We encourage you to discuss these findings at committees, workshops, team meetings and other appropriate channels and venues.

Submit your feedback and ideas – either individually or as a team – through the online form or via email by Tuesday 31 January 2023.

Next steps

There will be more opportunities to contribute to the development of ACU Vision 2033 next year.

Read more about our journey so far and the next steps as we work together to translate our strengths and challenges into strategic possibilities.

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