Check your details are correct for SELT surveys

Teaching staff are encouraged to check the read-only Data Integrity Gateway (DIG) to view the units (if any) that have been linked to their names for Summer Term (202305), Professional Term 1 (202307), Professional Term 2 (202312), Term 1 (Foundation) (202314), Trimester 1 (202332) and ACU Online Term 1 (202316) in the first half of 2023.

The Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI) will be using the data collected through this process to prepare the Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching (SELT) surveys.

The School and Faculty nominee(s) are responsible for verifying and entering the correct information for staff teaching in units for the relevant study periods above.

Please access the read-only DIG to check if your details are correctly linked to the unit(s). If you find that the details are incorrectly entered for a unit, or there is a missing unit, please contact your school or faculty nominee to advise them immediately to action your request for change.

Access the read-only Data Integrity Gateway

Access to the DIG will close on Monday 19 December at 5pm (AEST), and no changes will be allowed after this date.

It is vital that all (and only appropriate) names are included.

Staff names, which are entered and found in the staff directory maintained by HR, will be included in the SELT surveys for Section B (on teaching aspects). This enables students in a unit to provide feedback on an individual teacher.

Only those included in the SELT surveys will be able to receive their individual SELT reports, provided at least five student responses are identified for a teacher.

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