Christmas, a time for others

A message from Vice-President Fr Anthony Casamento csma: In preparing my Christmas homily for my parish for this year, I have been thinking about what Christmas means for different people.

There is no denying that this is a world in which many will not celebrate Christmas because it does not mean anything to them. Many would love to celebrate Christmas but cannot do so because of the difficulties in their lives. Many will celebrate Christmas but without any attention to Jesus, and many will celebrate Christmas with a full sense of its meaning.

As Catholics, we believe that Jesus came for all of us. As the scriptures at Christmas remind us, we hear the call of the prophet, urging us to make space in our lives for the One who has come in the name of the Lord.

If we make space for the One who comes, we will also make space for others. Christmas is always a time for thinking about others, not about ourselves. This essential truth of living for others we see in the examples of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. And so, this year, once again we are asked to think of others, and particularly the vulnerable and marginalised in our communities and our world.

With our minds and hearts firmly fixed on Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and with the care we have for one another, we will be able to celebrate Christmas with all its meaning.

May we all, in our individual lives, in our communities and in our families, be blessed with all that Jesus desires to give to all those who are open to receive his gift this Christmas.

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