Early Career Researcher Advisory Group

The Early Career Researcher (ECR) Advisory Group was created in 2022 to provide advice about the ways in which ACU can best support its ECRs. The group aims to help build and oversee mentoring and other capability - and capacity - building activities across the university.

The Advisory Group, co-chaired by Professor Phil Parker and Associate Professor Nell Musgrove, has members from all faculties of the university including ECR members, senior researchers and staff from both Schools and Institutes. This broad representation is intended to guide the group’s work to benefit the entire ACU ECR community.

Our goal is to be an advocacy voice for ECRs and to develop a whole-of-university approach to how ECRs can be supported to engage with the university-wide research agenda.

The Advisory Group is interested in hearing about any issues, successes and concerns relating to ECRs. Each faculty’s Associate Dean (Research and Enterprise) is a member of the committee, and you are invited to send questions or information to them for the Advisory Group’s attention. You are also welcome to contact either of the co-chairs directly.

You can also join the ECR Teams group to share ideas and receive periodic updates about ECR initiatives at ACU.

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