Understanding our student veterans

A new online module is now available for staff who work with student veterans or who want to expand their understanding of this student cohort.

Understanding student veterans is open to all staff.

The module covers topics including but not limited to:

  • military structure
  • identity and culture
  • the unique transition challenges veterans confront post-military service
  • barriers that student veterans face in higher education.

ACU has made a significant commitment to supporting current and ex-serving members of the Defence Force and their families. Student Veteran Services (SVS) creates opportunities for veterans’ access, transition to and success in higher education. The university has bold aspirations to lead a new era of support to veterans in higher education within Australia.

The Student Veteran Services team has developed the new online module to help staff gain a better understanding of the student veteran cohort.

If you work with student veterans or simply wish to expand your understanding, we encourage you to complete the module, which takes approximately 45 minutes.

Access the module online

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