November Student News and Events bulletin

Student Communications (MER) compiles, edits and sends a monthly Student News and Events bulletin. This bulletin is sent to all students, nationally, and includes a broad cross-section of news, announcements, events and stories from across the university.

View the November edition of Student News and Events. This is last edition for 2022. The first edition for 2023 will be published on Wednesday 22 February.

How to submit content for the monthly Student News and Events bulletin
  1. Upload the news or event content as a Student Portal feed item through Sitecore. If your team does not have a Student Portal Sitecore editor then please submit the content as a general web update request through Service Central, specifying that it is a news/events item for inclusion in the Student Portal feed.
  2. Send an email to by the relevant content due date, requesting inclusion in the bulletin. Include the title of the feed item and the front-end URL for the item where possible.

Details for the first student bulletin for 2023 are outlined below:

2023 Academic Year Communications Send date Content due date Distribution platform
 Semester 1 National Student News and Events Wednesday 22 February 15 February 2023 MER

For further information, please contact Student Communications Coordinator, Emma Rainbow.

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