ACU Industry Pitch Pack

Are you meeting with potential industry partners or re-connecting with a specific project in mind? The Partner with ACU Industry Pitch Pack is a new resource that you can use as part of your pitch. Access it and other industry engagement tools online now.

The Industry Pitch Pack is an editable PowerPoint presentation which outlines ways for industry partners to engage with ACU, its students, staff, campuses and research specialties. The pack features student and alumni stories and targeted information about ACU and the services that are available to our industry partners.

Simply download the Industry Pitch Pack, use the most relevant slides and add what you need ahead of your meeting.

The Pitch Pack is part of a suite of tools available online to support you when meeting with prospective industry partners. These tools includes an MOU template and guide for its development with your partner, all underpinned by the Industry Engagement Strategy.

The Partner with ACU Industry Pitch Pack is a live, growing document. It will be updated as it evolves. If you would like to add to it, have questions about it or the other industry engagement tools, or would like help with your partnership ideas, contact

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