Book of Prayer launched

ACU has published a unique collection of prayers that include compositions by students and staff alongside treasured Catholic prayers from the Church’s 2000-year tradition.

The inaugural ACU Book of Prayer combines heartfelt, personal prayers written by students and staff drawn from across all ACU’s campuses with more traditional Catholic prayers as an invitation to start a conversation with God.

The ACU Book of Prayer also invites readers to intercede for various causes, including issues affecting Australia and the world.

One chapter of traditional prayers has been translated into Italian in recognition of the importance of ACU’s Rome Campus in the life of the university.

The book concludes with a chapter listing the core beliefs of Catholicism, such as the Three Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, and the seven Sacraments.

Speaking about the Book of Prayer, ACU Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Zlatko Skrbis said the publication distinguished the university as an intentional praying community.

“Prayer is a natural expression of the Christian faith, and as a Catholic university, our defining characteristic should be that we are a community of prayer,” Professor Skrbis said.

“The ACU Book of Prayer is the physical embodiment of the streams of prayers that of our students and staff make each day – the cries for help in a time of need, or the quiet moments of victory.

“I want to encourage our students, our staff, our partners and the wider community to open the ACU Book of Prayer and pray from it daily as a sign of unity and solidarity with our university.”

Printed copies of the prayer book are available to staff at no cost via the Campus Ministry team, and it is also be available as an e-book.

The Book of Prayer was initially conceived a number of years ago by ACU Vice President and Director of Mission and Identity, Father Anthony Casamento CSMA.

“The ACU Book of Prayer is itself the result of a lot of prayer over many years, and my hope is it will be a staple for our staff and students, a go-to book for the times when the only person who can help is God,” Fr Casamento said.

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