Need to contact an ACU staff member?

Did you know there are faster ways of connecting with other staff members than contacting AskACU or Service Central? In fact, there are four convenient ways to find the phone number and organisation details of ACU staff members, so you can choose the one that suits you.

Find out how to use each of these fast and effective tools to locate the person you want to speak with.

Microsoft Teams (best for direct calls, direct messaging, organisation details)
  1. Open Microsoft Teams and type their name in the search bar at the top.
  2. Click their name when you see it appear.
  3. Click on the phone icon in the top right menu when their contact window opens (hint: you can also start chatting by typing your message into the message box at the bottom of the screen).
 screenshot of search bar on MS Teams showing the name Mary Futol  
Microsoft Outlook Active Directory (best for organisation and contact details)
  1. From Outlook, click the Address Book in the top right corner.
  2. In the pop-up window, type the person’s name.
  3. Double click their name when you see it appear.
 screenshot of outlook address book profile for Mary Futol  
Staff directory (best for contact details)
  1. Open the ACU Staff website in your browser.
  2. Click Staff Directory in the top right menu.
  3. Search for the person by name in the search box.
Workplace (best for organisation and contact details)
  1. Open Workplace and use the search box in the top left to search their names.
  2. Click on the result that appears.

You’ll find their recent posts as well as all their contact details including their organisation details on the right-hand side of their profile.

 screenshot showing Workplace by Meta profile for Mary Futol


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