New diploma programs

Global Education Pathways is pleased to announce five new diploma programs in 2022, including Exercise Science, Biomedical Science, Nutrition Science, Business, and Information Technology.

These diplomas align with the first year of learning from associated bachelor’s degrees, with an additional academic literacy unit as well as embedded transition pedagogy across all units to provide greater support to students taking a large step into tertiary study.

The new diplomas provide students a stand-alone qualification after one year of study, as well as a direct transition into associated bachelor’s degrees, with only two years left of study. Additionally, for students unsure about their pathway at the beginning of tertiary study, a diploma start allows direct pathways into a range of other bachelor’s degrees, while keeping a tangible qualification from their first chosen discipline.

These new diplomas are the product of a great deal of work from the Diploma Programs team, with fantastic support from staff in the School of Behavioural Health Science and Peter Faber Business School. The team is very much looking forward to welcoming students into these courses in the coming weeks and furthering the university’s priority in providing distinctive, inclusive, dynamic, and student-centred education.

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