Workshop on SDG-focused internships

Join NGOs, academics, industry practitioners, advocates, and researchers for a workshop exploring the benefits and challenges for students in India and Australia in securing internships underpinned by the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).

This workshop is part of a broader project funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Commonwealth Government of Australia. The project aims to map out strategies for developing SDG-based internships, including the clear identification of potential roadblocks.

Join this event to connect with industry and learn more about interesting and challenging real-life projects and ideas to embed in your units.

All are welcome. Please feel free to pass the link to any interested parties.

Find out more

Date: Wednesday 2 March 2022
Time: 2pm–5pm (AEST), 3–6pm (AEDT)

Join the event via Teams webinar

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