Calling for improvement ideas

Have you ever had a good idea about how to improve what we do or how we work? Maybe you thought it would be too hard to implement or not supported, or maybe you thought it was just a silly idea. Many things we do routinely today started out as “silly ideas” or suggestions for new ways of working.

We are launching a new ACU Improvement Idea process that will enable any staff member to submit an idea for organisational improvement and that will improve how suggested changes to our processes, services and systems are progressed.

How will it work?

The new process will provide a single gateway for the submission of ideas and the triaging of those ideas to direct them to the appropriate area of ACU to progress.

A new online Improvement Idea form has been developed and is accessible via the quick links menu on the home page of the ACU staff website.

You will be asked to provide a brief description of your idea and the problem it aims to address as well as the benefit you think it will have. The form has been designed to collect sufficient initial information to enable follow-up without you having to know who to contact or how the idea could be progressed.

Once you submit the form, it will be automatically assigned to the Service Improvement Team (SIT). SIT will contact you to discuss your idea within two business days.

Once they have all the relevant information, SIT will provide a detailed initial assessment to a multi-skilled team with service delivery, technology and project management expertise to work out how to progress the idea. SIT will advise you of the collective assessment of your idea and any proposed next steps.

Access the Improvement Idea form

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