Copyright sessions

Does copyright impact the work you do? Not sure? The Library is currently offering copyright training.

We’re offering three sessions:

  • Copyright at ACU: an overview of how copyright works at ACU for professional staff
  • Copyright and teaching: for anyone working in the teaching space
  • Copyright and research: a general overview of copyright in the research space.
Copyright at ACU
  • a basic understanding of copyright in the ACU workplace
  • overview of ACU areas impacted by copyright law
  • copyright licences ACU has
  • where to get help at ACU.
Copyright and teaching
  • overview of copyright statutory licences (for learning and teaching) and ACU voluntary licences
  • a basic understanding of copyright in the ACU workplace
  • where to get help at ACU
  • what our students copy
  • locating free educational resources.
Copyright and research
  • identifying what copyright is
  • copyright management plans
  • open access and creative commons licences
  • where fair dealing fits in
  • data compilations
  • quoting
  • getting permission
  • research bank
  • publishing or thesis submission
  • post publication.
Online session details
Session Day Date Time (AEST) Where
Copyright and teaching Wednesday 20 July 2022 11.30am–12.30pm   Via Teams
Copyright and teaching Tuesday 2 August 2022 3.30pm–4.30pm  Via Teams
Copyright and teaching Thursday 11 August 2022
1.30pm–2.30pm  Via Teams
Copyright at ACU Thursday 21 July 2022  1.30pm–2.30pm  Via Teams
Copyright at ACU Wednesday  10 August 2022 9.30am–10.30am  Via Teams
Copyright and Research Friday  5 August 2022 1pm–2pm  Via Teams

Team leaders – if these times do not suit, please contact Vanessa Tuckfield directly to book in your team at a suitable time.

How to register?

Go to Staff Connect, choose Talent – Training & Courses – Requested courses – +Add – search by course name to locate – locate session of choice – click 'Apply'

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